Photo Diary: Fresh spring feeling at Merheimer Heide

During the last couple of weeks we had a series of cold spells. The temperature miserably dipped within the -3 to 3°C range. Needless to say, it was cold and a tad bit depressing.

When the sun decided to show a few days late for spring, we stopped everything that we were doing and made a beeline towards the door. Now that we live in a big city, I thought that trips to a fake wild are behind us. To my surprise, patches of green are within short commute distance in this big city we live in. There's something about the combination of fresh air and sunshine that makes me feel so... ALIVE. I've taken this for granted because I've lived in a tropical country my whole life until I moved to Germany.

The place that we went to is Merheimer Heide, a 150 hectare greenery, perfect for jogging or strolling. Eli, encouraged by the cool wind, smell of fresh air, and birds chirping, was mostly asleep the entire time we were walking.

My mind is racing just thinking about watching (a probably very interested) Eli explore the huge expanse on all fours. I'm definitely bookmarking this place for another time, when she's older and the temperature's warmer.

merheimer heide photo walk


Eli at 5 Months


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