Baby's first month on earth

The entire month that passed just felt like an endless day with nursing, changing, crying and soothing on one long sleepless loop!

On the first few weeks, getting Eli Rei to latch and for my milk to come was a struggle. Since my right rib was injured during the labour, my movement was limited and pained that it was tough to quickly switch sides. Soon after the milk came in, although there were struggles, I am glad that baby is gaining weight so well. She's a good eater so I didn't have any issues with her not finishing her meal.

She can't do much yet except to sleep, eat, poop, and cry - working according to specifications, according to my husband. Her sleep grins are the cutest too and lately she's been showing the elusive but priceless smiles while awake. Those little moments make the erratic sleeping pattern worth it.

My mother stayed with me for a month and made the recovery a little better. I couldn't imagine the first month of having postpartum aches and pains solely caring for a newborn! We also have a hebamme who came everyday for 8 days (if I remember correctly) to check on the baby and I and provided experienced answer to all my baby questions. The saying that it takes a village to raise a child, is really what it is. From the physical down to the emotional aspect of it, I am grateful that there is a solid support system for Eli Rei.

Being first time parents, everyday with the baby is the first time for my husband and I. To lighten the mood while acknowledging our inexperience in the department, we sometimes refer to her as our trial baby. I hope we don't break any bones in the process!


Walking baby


The Little One Says Hello